Under the Rules of Business 1973 (amended from time to time), the mandate/ functions of this Ministry are as under;
- Formulation of Hajj Policy
- Arranging the Muslim Pilgrims' visits to India.
- Ziarat and Umrah.
- Welfare and safety of pilgrims and Zaireen.
- Administration of Hajj Affairs and control of the Hajj Directorates within the country and the Hajj Directorate at Jeddah.
- Islamic studies and research including holding seminars, conferences, etc. on related subjects to the extent of Federal Areas.
- Training and education of Ulemas and Khatibs etc.
- Error-free and exact printing and publishing of the Holy Quran in the ICT.
- Exchange of visits of scholars of Islamic learning and education, international conferences/seminars on Islamic subjects, and liaison with foreign and international bodies and institutions.
- Ruet-e-Hilal.
- Tabligh.
- Observance of Islamic Moral Standards
- Donations for religious purposes and propagation of Islamic Ideology abroad.
- Marriage and divorce, infants and minor’s adoption (to the extent of ICT).
- Policy and legislation with regard to inter-faith Harmony.
- International agreements and commitments in respect of all religious communities and implementation thereof.
- Representation of Pakistan at UN Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination to Minorities.
- Minorities Welfare Fund.
- National Commission for Minorities.
- Evacuee Trust Property Board.