Frequently Change in Office Address by the Non-Quota Holder and Fresh Applicants for Enrollment as HGOs
Government of Pakistan Islamabad, the August 23, 2021 No. 2(2)/1440-HGO Subject: FREQUENTLY CHANGE IN OFFICE ADDRESS BY THE ENROLLED NON-QUOTA HOLDER COMPANIES AND FRESH APPLICANTS FOR ENROLLMENT AS HGOs. It has come to notice of this Ministry that the Management of subject companies are in practice to change in their office address frequently while the assessment of such companies is in process. The said act on the part of Management of these companies is highly objectionable. -sd-
Ministry of Religious Affairs
And Interfaith Harmony
The Chief Executives,
Enrolled (Non-Quota Holder) Companies &
Fresh Applicants for Enrollment as HGOs
2. The Management of the said Companies is directed not to change their office address till completion of Audit process, failing which the companies will not entertain for assessment. The Companies who have changed their office address as of today may send their details of changed address along with true attested copy of Form-21 and C to Audit Firm through e-mail with intimation to this Ministry at e-mail by 25th August, 2021 before closing office hours.
(M. Sajjad Haider)
Section Officer (HGOs)